Become part of a team that ...

... really makes a difference in the lives of our patients, their families and whanau

Our people believe in living life to the full, having pride and passion in our work, having fun, sharing the load, and making small but important differences in the lives of others. As an employer/organisation of choice, we support our people to develop and grow, contribute to the top of their skill set and abilities, become leaders in ways big and small, and rise to the challenge of our work to improve patient and family experience. We offer terms and conditions that respect and value skill whilst operating within our means and we have an environment that is underpinned by a can-do and collaborative culture that is pro-diversity and innovative in practice.

To deliver to our purpose takes a range of experiences from a range of backgrounds.  

Would you like to read more about our nurses? Sharon and Marie share their experience

If you share our commitment and have skills to offer, look to see if we have a vacancy for you...

You matter because you are you and you matter to the end of your life.
We will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.
(Dame Cicely Saunders - founder of the modern palliative care movement)