Introduction to Education:

A key feature of our palliative care is providing education for healthcare professionals involved in palliative care within the Taranaki region. Throughout the year our team offers holistic education that is practical, theoretical and reflective, across the range of topics relevant to palliative care. Education is provided by Specialists from our Medical, Nursing, Support Services (Counselling, Social Work, Spiritual) and Cultural Liaison teams. Our education programs seek to not only build skills across networks but also to support a shared care approach.

Education Programme Palliative Care for 2024

To request additional information regarding Education sessions please contact Paula King, the Hospice Taranaki Clinical Nurse Educator

Register here for 2023

Education evaluation forms 2024 to be completed following the training.


Training is held at:
Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki
Te Rangimarie
Yarrow Education Suite
5 David Street
New Plymouth 4310



First Thursday of each month from 0730 - 0830
For further details please email Letiesha or telephone 06 753 7830

Watch them - wherever you are... you’ll be able to access all you need for the lecture via a private webpage –

1 February 2024  Dying well in old age:  Integration of Gerontology and Palliative Care in Residential Aged Care - Dr Michal Boyd, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing @ University of Auckland & Nurse Practitioner.  You can access this lecture by clicking here

7 March 2024  PCARN (Palliative Care Aotearoa Research Network): Working together to create a positive and inclusive culture of palliative care research in Aotearoa - Cheryl Davies, Co-chair PRARN, Senior Maori Researcher @ University of Otago.  You can access this lecture by clicking here.

4 April 2024  Advanced Care Planning in the pursuit of health equity for Maori - Maarie Hutana, Maori Engagement manager @ Te Tahu Hauora (Health Quality & Safety Commission).  You can access this lecture by clicking here

2 May 2024 - Social Workers' stories: Journeys into Palliative Care, Mobilising and Sustaining Practice - Ruth Lee Choi, Professional Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland; Social worker, Hospice West Auckland. You can access this lecture by clicking here.

6 June 2024 - Natural Home-Based Death care - Claire Turnham, Founder of the OWL Foundation Charitable Trust & Co-Founder and Lead Educator of Manaaki Mats.  You can access this lecture by clicking here

4 July 2024  Public Health/compassionate Communities approaches to Palliative Care - Professor Allan Kellehear, Chair, University of Northumberland.  You can access this lecture by clicking here

2024 Lectures 

1 August 2024  The role that Paramedics play in Palliative Care - Fraser Watson, Extended Care Paramedic Clinical Lead @ Hata Hone St John

5 September 2024  Palliative Care in Renal Failure - Dr Frank Patrick Brennan, Palliative Care Physician @ St George, Sutherland & Calvary Hospitals, Australia.

3 October 2024  Medicinal Cannabis in Aotearoa - Guest Speaker, TBA

7 November 2024  Eye Tissue Donation - Guest Speaker, TBA

5 December 2024  Palliative Care for Stroke Patients - Dr Peter Eastman (TBC), Palliative Care Consultant & Co-Director of Barwon Health


Webcast quick info

  • From Feb 2021 the lectures became webcast only
  • No phone needed - you’ll access the lecture via the internet
  • No longer need a copy of the speakers PowerPoint prior to the lecture – they will control this via the webcast
  • You’ll need an internet-capable screen/computer in a shared space with speakers and keyboard for questions

We suggest you bookmark this page on your computer and the shared computer where your site will listen to the lecture.