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Giving | Koha

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Giving Koha

Every contribution matters. We are committed to providing quality care and support to patients and their whānau during challenging times. As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely heavily on the generosity of our community to continue our vital work.

Why Your Koha Matters

Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki, we receive partial funding from central government, but to maintain our extensive services, we depend on additional support from individuals like you. Your koha, no matter the amount, stays right here in Taranaki and will directly impact the lives of those facing life-limiting illnesses and their loved ones.

Free Services for Patients and Whānau

It’s important to note that all our services are provided free of charge to patients and their whānau. Your contribution ensures that we can continue to offer compassionate care, comfort, and support without financial burden during this difficult time.

How You Can Help

Your koha can make a real difference. Whether it’s a one-time donation or regular support, every dollar counts. Your generosity enables us to enhance the quality of life for our patients and their whānau.

Ways to Give Koha

Online Donation: You can securely donate online through this website. 

Bank Transfer: If you prefer, you can make a direct bank transfer to our account.  TSB 15-3948-0365008-080. Please reference your name and phone number.

In-Person: Feel free to visit us in person to make your donation. Our team will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have. Te Rangimarie, 5 David St, Westown, New Plymouth.

Nga mihi

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who chooses to support Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki. Your kindness and generosity enable us to continue providing compassionate care to those who need it most. 

Together, we make a meaningful difference in the lives of our community members facing life-limiting illness.

Ways you can donate …

Make a One Off Donation
Become a Regular Giver
Leave a Gift in Your Will
Collect at a Funeral
Start Your Own Fundraiser
Business & Payroll Donations
Donate to our hospiceShops
Business Donations

Donation Wall

Thank you for your generous donation.


23 July 2024

Our very deepest sympathy to Deidre and family From the Taranaki Holstein Friesian Branch members

Amount Donated