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Policies, Terms and Compliance

End of Life Choice Act

HOSPICE TARANAKI – Te Kahu Pairuri ki Taranaki


You matter because you are you.  You matter to the last moment of your life – Dame Cicely Saunders (founder of the modern Hospice movement)

Specialist palliative care services provided by Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki support patients of all ages and their families/whānau facing a life-limiting illness.  Our committed professional staff provide care based upon the individual needs of patients and family/whānau during their journey and bereavement addressing a combination of physical, psychosocial, spiritual and cultural choices.

Services provided include support of the patient in the community, inpatient care, respite care, a 24hr seven day advice service, outpatient clinic, day procedures, an activities-based day programme, social work services, family/whānau support, pastoral support and bereavement support.  We have an extensive range of care equipment to assist patients to remain in their own home.  All our services are provided at no cost to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

We acknowledge and respect the options that patients may now consider as part of the provisions of the End of Life Choice Act.  Our hospice does not provide End of Life Choice Act services as holistic palliative care practice neither hastens nor postpones death occurring.  Our staff, contractors and volunteers will not participate in any intervention that is part of the Act.  We do not allow any interventions under the Act to be carried out within our facilities.

Our hospice remains committed to providing excellent palliative services and end of life care while being mindful of the individual choices our patients may wish to make. All services provided by Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki will continue free of judgement, regardless of your choice. We are here to support you, your whānau and friends along your journey.

He rā hou he oranga ngākau – living every moment.

Paul Lamb – Chief Executive Officer

May 2023

Your Rights

The Code and your rights:  When you use a health or disability service in New Zealand, you have the protection of a Code of Rights.

How to make a comment, compliment or complaint…

Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki welcomes your feedback as an opportunity to improve our services.  Our staff and volunteers are constantly striving to provide the best quality care for our patients and their families, however should you have any concerns we welcome your feedback.

Our complaints procedure is as follows:

  • Complaints can be made verbally or in writing and should be directed to the Complaints Administrator, PO Box 5122, New Plymouth 4343.
  • Complaints will be acknowledged in writing and an investigation will be undertaken which includes a discussion with the Complainant.
  • The complaint may be identified as an opportunity for quality improvement for the service. If this is the case, the quality improvement will be implemented.
  • Any staff involved are interviewed and steps taken to identify all contributing factors and appropriate action to be taken to remedy the cause.
  • The identity of the complainant and details of the complaint will be kept confidential as far as practicable in the circumstances.
  • Formal documentation of complaint and resolution are filed confidentially, with those involved being advised of the outcome.
  • The outcome of the complaint will be advised to the Complainant in writing.
  • If you are not happy with the outcome you will be referred to the Health and Disability Commissioner’s office.
  • An anonymous report outlining the nature of the complaint, investigation and outcome is provided to the Board of Trustees by the Chief Executive.

The Health and Disability Commissioner’s office offers a free advocacy service to assist complainants with their complaint. The Advocacy Service can be contacted by phoning 0800 11 22 33.