Assisted Dying – End-of-Life Choice Act
You matter because you are you. You matter to the last moment of your life – Dame Cicely Saunders (founder of the modern Hospice movement)
How we provide our services alongside the End-of-Life Choice Act New Zealand gives you that choice
From 7th November 2021, the End-of-Life Choice Act became legislation, meaning people diagnosed with a terminal illness can ask for approved medical assistance to end their lives.
Life is a journey
From first day to last, and all decisions along that journey are an individuals to make.
This includes the choice to live as fully and comfortably as possible until natural death, and/or to bring life to a close alongside an approved Assisted Dying service provider.
Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki walks alongside our patients and their whānau whatever decision they make regarding Assisted Dying. We provide compassionate, non-judgement holistic palliative care to our patients wherever they are – at home, in the Hospice Inpatient Unit (Te Rangimarie) or in Residential Facility Care.
Fundamentally, we exist to help patients live the remainder of their life to the best of their ability. With that in mind, we will continue to support you fully if you decide to investigate Assisted Dying.
Most importantly we will continue to provide the best possible palliative care for all patients irrespective of a person’s decision regarding Assisted Dying.
We do always appreciate being made aware if you have chosen Assisted Dying so we can support both you and your family/whānau. However, we fully acknowledge and respect it is your decision who you share this information with.
Approved providers only
Assisted Dying can only be carried out by providers approved by Te Whatu Ora and regulated by the SCENZ group, so our role is to connect you with a provider to have an informed conversation.
If you happen to be in the Hospice Inpatient Unit (Te Rangimarie) when these discussions are occurring, an approved Assisted Dying provider can visit you here to have discussions with you. We will ensure you have privacy, respect and comfort required for such important discussions.
Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki have chosen to not become approved providers, therefore if you chose Assisted Dying you will not be able to carry this out within the Hospice Inpatient Unit (Te Rangimarie). However we can put you in touch with those who can help you find an approved and comfortable venue that works for you and your whānau.

To start a conversation with a provider
With the Support and Consultation for End of Life in New Zealand (SCENZ) service
Telephone: 0800 223 852 Monday 8am to Friday 5.30pm.
You will need to ask your doctor or nurse for information…
Under the Health & Disabilities Code of Rights, usually you would have the right to all the information you need to make an informed decision about your care, including all of the options available to you.
But the End of Life Choice Act says that your doctor, nurse, or any other health practitioner, cannot start a discussion with you about assisted dying unless you ask them about it first. This is because of concerns that you might feel pressured into choosing the service. So if you want to talk about assisted dying, you need to say so very clearly. Once you have raised the topic of assisted dying, you are entitled to all of the information you need to make decisions, including information about all of your options.