Our Legacy
Established in 1992, Hospice Taranaki operates as an Incorporated Society, administered by a dedicated Board of Trustees. Our enduring purpose is to provide unwavering support and care, ensuring that individuals facing life-limiting illnesses can experience their journey with the utmost comfort and compassion.
Our Mission
Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki works in partnership with patients, their families and whānau and our communities to provide, influence and support best practice palliative care. Together we will provide opportunity to live every moment in ways meaningful to those in our care. To interfrate our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi in ways that are meaningful and sustainable for the future of our services.
Our Vision | Tō Mātou Whakakitenga
Our hospice philosophy of holistic palliative care is available for all patients, their families, and whānau.
Our Values | Ngā Uaratanga
We are deeply committed to upholding a set of core values that guide everything we do. These values are central to our mission and are reflected in our interactions with the community, our partners, and each other. They are:
Dignity | Whakarangatira:
We believe in treating every individual with the utmost respect and honouring their inherent worth.
Trust | Whakawhitinaki:
Building and maintaining trust is essential to our relationships and our work.
Fairness | Tika:
We strive to be equitable and just in all our actions and decisions.
Honesty | Pono:
Transparency and integrity are at the heart of our communication and practices.
Choice | Pūwharu:
We respect and support the right of individuals to make informed decisions about their own lives.
Compassion | Aroha:
Empathy and understanding guide us as we support those we are caring for.
Respect | Whakaute:
We value and appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of each person.
These values are not just words; they are the principles that shape our culture and drive our efforts to make a positive impact.
Our logo features the kowhai flower, for many years this flower has been associated with Hospice, chosen for its links to medicinal properties.
The native Tūī and other birds can be seen drinking from the kowhai trees in the surrounding gardens of Te Rangimarie – inpatient care unit. The Tūī moves purposefully from kowhai to kowhai symbolising the care a person receives from our community-based care teams.
Hospice is palliative care and the conceptual translation in Te Reo Māori; Kahu is a practical serviceable garment worn for warmth and comfort, Pairuri can be translated to solicitude or compassionate care. Collectively it is, Te Kahu Pairuri ki Taranaki, interpreted as, the wrap-around holistic care a person and their whānau family receives from Hospice Taranaki before, during and after the end of their life.
Te Kahu Pairuri ki Taranaki was provided by Registered Translator Ngaringi Katipa in consultation with Professor Timoti Karetu and Hospice New Zealand in 2019. At this time a consultation document with a background to the translation was circulated to local Iwi, Hospice Taranaki Staff and others for feedback. The logo graphic was commissioned by Hospice New Zealand in 2021 and created by Re:brand.
Our Approach / Ta Mā tou Mahi
The Four Cornerstones of Health – Te Whare Tapa Whā
Te Taha Hinengaro – Mental Wellbeing
Emotional and mental wellbeing is the capacity to communicate, to think and to feel. Mind and body are inseparable.
Te Taha Wairua – Spiritual Health
Spiritual wellbeing is the capacity for faith and/or wider connection. The spiritual essence of a person is their life force. This determines us as individuals and as a collective, who and what we are, where we come from and where we are going.
Te Taha Tinana – Physical Health
Physical wellbeing is the capacity for physical growth and development. Our physical being supports our essence and shelters us from the external environment.
Te Taha Whānau – Family Wellbeing
Family and relationship wellbeing ensures the capacity to belong, to care and share as part of wider social systems. Whānau provide us with our connections to our ancestors and therefore ties us to our past, present and future.

Dame Cicely Saunders
(founder of the modern Hospice movement)

You matter because you are you. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.
Hospice Taranaki Inc Charities Commission 10437
Our Funding
Te Whatu Ora Taranaki funds a proportion of our costs.
In order to continue to provide our services each year we independently work to raise the shortfall of approx. $5 million.
We are grateful for and rely on the generosity of our community to help meet this shortfall through events, fundraisers, donations, bequests and grants.
Thank you to our Supporters | Kaitautoko
Grateful Acknowledgment to Supporting Organisations
We extend our sincere gratitude to the following Trusts, Clubs, and Foundations for their generous grants:
- TOI Foundation
- Aotearoa Gaming Trust
- Lotteries Board
- Lion Foundation
- Hospice Taranaki Foundation
- New Plymouth Club
- Taranaki Foundation