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Social Work

Compassionate Problem Solvers

Navigating Life’s Challenges with Hospice Social Work Services

Embarking on the journey near the end of life requires more than just medical care—it demands a compassionate, problem-solving approach. Our Hospice social workers, are the anchors of support that patients and their families and whānau need during these complex times.

The Role of Hospice Social Workers

Social work in hospice involves passion, advocacy, deep listening, and astute communication skills. These professionals connect individuals and families with the resources they need, offering support for various social, and practical challenges.

Addressing Complex Needs

Patients and families facing terminal illness often encounter intense stress and complex emotions. Hospice social workers, experienced in navigating these issues, help individuals and families process, adjust, and plan for the challenging journey ahead.

Care Options and Quality of Life

Social workers help patients and families understand care options aligned with their goals and life circumstances. They identify additional services to enhance the quality of life and facilitate connections to these services.

Guidance in Transition

Assisted Living and Aged Care: Social workers guide individuals and their families to available assisted living facilities or aged care facilities, ensuring a seamless transition during this critical time.

Our Social Workers

Complete social assessments ascertaining the support needed for patients and their families and whānau. They offer advocacy, information, and referrals, covering various resources such as Meals on Wheels, medical alarms, mobility parking, enduring powers of attorney, wills, rest home placements, and work and income entitlements, including funeral grants.

Contact Information:  06 753 7830 

Useful links:

Disability Centre: For equipment we don’t provide.

EPA : The court & enduring power of attorney (EPA) – how to set them up and further details.

Funeral Grants:  How to apply. 

Go with Grace: A variety of ‘planning’ tools.

Maanaki Mats: Using Manaaki Mats slows down the natural changes that occur after death by keeping the body cool.  They are a more natural, environmentally friendly and affordable alternative to chemical embalming.

Mobility Parking Permits: Mobility parking permits are managed by CCS Disability Action. You can learn more about parking permits or apply.