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Considering leaving a Bequest?

A gift that keeps on giving…

Your gift to the hospice in your Will (a bequest) ensures the future of the free services Hospice Taranaki provides to the community.  

This endowment fund is managed by Hospice Taranaki Foundation. A registered Charitable Trust: Charities Commission – 20723.  

Your bequest – which type is best?

Once you have taken care of your family and friends, you can remember Hospice Taranaki in several ways:

Specific Sum or % of estate:

A specific sum for your bequest is one option, but it is a good idea to think about the effects of inflation on the amount. What may seem like a considerable amount now, may in fact be significantly reduced over time. Nominating a percentage of your estate will ensure your estate does the most work it can for Hospice Taranaki.

Residue of your estate

Once your estate is assessed, any gifts made, and all expenses taken care of, you gift what is left to Hospice Taranaki.

Specific gift of property

You may wish to name a property or name an asset that you would like to leave for the benefit of Hospice Taranaki. It is best to check with us beforehand, to make sure that your gift matches our needs in the best possible way.

Hospice Taranaki Foundation bank account:

TSB Account: 15-3942-0695858-080

Reference: Name and contact phone number

Email: with the details.

Your Bequest – how it should be worded …

To ensure your bequest benefits Hospice Taranaki as you intended, you need to use the following wording in your Will:

“I give to the Hospice Taranaki Foundation, (% of estate, or the residue of my estate, or sum of money, or description of property or assets) for general purposes, for which the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer shall be full and sufficient discharge to my trustees”

If you wish to leave a bequest for the Hospice Taranaki Foundation (which will then be invested and the interest used for the ongoing running of the Hospice) the wording is:

“I give to the Hospice Taranaki Foundation, (% of estate, of the residue of my estate, or sum of money, or description of property or assets) for investment purposes, for which the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer shall be full and sufficient discharge to my trustees”.

Your Will – who will write it?

Your Will is a legal document. If the wording is incorrect, or if your Will is not witnessed and signed properly, it can be invalid. It is best to have your legal advisor or a Trustee company draft your Will for you, as you can then be sure your estate will be distributed as you wish.

Your Will – if you already have a current version

Your legal advisor will encourage you to update your Will every 4 -5 years, or with any significant changes in your life. If you have a current Will and you know you would like to help Hospice Taranaki, you can easily add a codicil regarding your gift:

“I give to Hospice Taranaki Foundation, (% of estate, or the residue of my estate, or sum of money, or description of property or assets) for general purposes, for which the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer shall be full and sufficient discharge to my trustees”.


“I give to Hospice Taranaki Foundation, (% of estate, or the residue of my estate, or sum of money, or description of property or assets) for investment purposes, for which the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer shall be full and sufficient discharge to my trustees”.

Your Bequest – how we would like to THANK YOU

We would love to know that you have contributed for the future of Hospice Taranaki with a bequest in your Will, please let us know so that we can thank you.

Your bequest is completely confidential unless you wish to make your gift known. Contact the Chief Executive email Paul Lamb