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How Else Can I Help or Donate?

Fundraising for Hospice Taranaki

Host an Event

  • Hold an event that is “value for money”
  • Has an enjoyment aspect to it.
  • You the organiser must respect those that have donated or sponsored your event.

Event Ideas

Different ideas:

Host a “Time to Remember” function … Your Time to Remember can be as relaxed or as formal as you like. There are no rules when it comes to what you organise – the only limit is your imagination!
You could host a…

  • picnic in the park
  • morning tea at your favourite cafe
  • cocktail at your favourite bar
  • a dinner party
  • brunch with friends and family
  • workplace morning tea or afternoon tea.
  • pot luck lunch
  • BBQ in the backyard
  • Fish & chips on the beach
  • Pizza & quiz night
  • street party
Organising your own event:

The key to a successful event is to PLAN the event carefully and well in advance (purpose of event and target audience, who can help, best time and place, clear goals and objectives for event).

PROMOTING the event to reach your target audience using flyers, posters, social networks, (facebook; page and groups, TikTok, Instagram, X, Give-a-little) digital billboards, billboards, local newspapers, newsletters and radio.

RESOURCING- what activities are involved, what resources will it require, who could you work in partnership with?

BUDGETS & CONTRACTS – set out all expected expenditure and income/sponsorship sources and frame your budget around these and then stick to it! Ensure smooth running in your relationships with sponsors, funders, contractors, suppliers and artists by having all obligations/responsibilities set out clearly in writing.

Contact Te Kahu Pairuri Hospice Taranaki Community Partnership Lead, contact Rose, or Fundraising Coordinator, contact Emma to see how your event will fit in with Hospice Taranaki’s promotions.